Saturday, July 25, 2020

Trippin' with Thor: Trip 1

Today's affirmation word is FUN! My wife and I took our first adventure in our camper van named Thor. We had looked long and hard, as I spent days and weeks visualizing the perfect RV. Then - boom! It materialized. Shortly after, we headed out on this trip. Boy was it a blast - from lunch on the road at a Nebraska welcome center to the walkabout in Fort Robinson. 

Day 1: Roaming the roads

First adventure stop - Scotts Bluff National Monument
It was absolutely beautiful and well worth the drive if you get a chance to go. 

Second adventure stop - Fort Robinson State Park
It was a grand adventure and well worth the walkabout. In 1874, it was home to some 13,000 Indians and where Crazy Horse (the great Oclala War-Chief of the Sioux Nation) died in 1877.

Last scoop of this gallivanter:

Dinner, games, and, of course, poetry to end the night.

Come with
me honey.
We will hit
the road.

Love this
fun life

blue summer
skies, and

warm tree

Day 2: Roaming the roads

Last adventure stop - Agate Fossil National Monument
It was so cool to see the first fossil finds from the early 1900s. I highly recommend exploring this fairly remote area in Nebraska. They even have a very primitive RV camping area for those that want to "rough it." Bring water, wear a hat, and apply your sunscreen.    

WE LOVE THOR! Hope to share many more adventures. Bye for now...


  1. NICE road trip. Great looking fun go anywhere rig! Thanks for sharing your adventure.

  2. Looks like a great trip. Nice RV. Consider renaming to XENA!

  3. Awesome times are those spent together.
