Monday, July 13, 2020

Poetic Vision: Day 13

Today's affirmation word is: SUPPORT. I am indeed open to both love and support, especially these days. Have you ever put yourself in someone else's shoes? Have you ever imagined what it would be like to go through life in the situations that another person faces? Think about it.  Then, ask yourself: how could I support them? How could I be kind to them? Looking at the glass through someone else's eyes, would the glass be half empty or half full? Meditate on that for a moment.

Do you offer that type of support? Do you dare to love like that?

Dare to love?
To pull off
the suit of armor?
To expose yourself
and risk injury
to your very soul?

Dare to love?
To stand emotionally
naked before someone?
Stripped of your
heart’s protection, thus
revealing your vulnerability?

Dare to love?
To allow another 
to examine and 
question all that 
you were, are 
and may become?

Dare to love?
I ask.
Dare to love
Is to be FREE.

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