Thursday, July 23, 2020

Poetic Vision: Day 23

Today's affirmation word is PURPOSE. I have often thought about that age ole question: Why am I here? What is it that I would do if money were no option? I have always been someone that loves to give and not necessarily something material. Often times (before this pandemic), it was a simple hug or word of encouragement. I really enjoy oozing love out everywhere I go. I took a class several years back in which I had to create a mission statement. Here is what it said and still holds true today: 
I choose to authentically and creatively ooze love. Sometimes that will involve a squeeze,
and that's ok. Genuinely listen and be present in pure, selfless vulnerability.   

What would you say your mission is here on Earth? I sat down tonight to write out, yet again, my soul's desire and mission. It remains the same. Yet, this time I form a poem.

From the deepest
part of my soul,
I feel the need
to feed.

Mentally, physically
and spiritually, 
there resides in me
a call to serve.

No matter the 
cuisine, I feel
my soul's mission
is to give morsels
of love, compassion,
and kindness.

Giving nourishment
to another's mind,
body and spirit,
brings me joy and
it feeds me.

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