Today, I sit here and KNOW: Life gets better! Today's affirmation word is: BETTER. I truly believe that my positive expectations and vision will be manifested. After all that superhero inside me is screaming YES! And so it is! Check out today's entry in my vision book below.
Should I die today,
I will want but these things:
To say I love you - to those dearest to me.
I'm sorry - to those I've hurt.
Thank you - to those deserving.
You made a difference - to those that truly did.
Laugh - with those I could.
Cry - with those I should.
And say I'm scared - to those I trust.
All the while taking each moment of that day
To look for the good in all humanity.
Doing it all in nature's beauty,
Letting the sunrise take my breath away,
Appreciating the morning's call of birds
on a wooden porch swing,
Enjoying poetry under a tree,
Cherishing time in the mountains
by a flowing river.
Growing in understanding,
Flourishing in love,
Relishing in the day,
And celebrating all that is
While singing life’s songs.
Then watching the sun set on the day,
Exploring, listening and admiring the silence
Of the night's sky by a blazing fire,
Closing with meditation by moonlight and
Sharing lots of hugs with those I love.
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