Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Poetic Vision: Day 15

Have you provided a smile to the world today? Have you offered kindness in some fashion? Have you given a hug or had a deep heart-felt conversation with someone? If not, what are you waiting for? 
The Superhero inside you is calling for love in action. Go for it!

Are you acting in a way that the Universe (some call God) can be seen through you? 
If not, will you change that today? Right now?

I saw the
Light of God
In the sunshine
From my window.

I saw the 
Love of God
In the smile
Of a young child.

I saw the
Joy of God
In the laughter
Of a couple
In the coffee shop.

I saw the
Warmth of God
In the exchange
Of a friend’s embrace.

Today – 

I saw

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