Friday, July 10, 2020

Poetic Vision: Day 10

Today's affirmation word is PATIENT. I know that one of the best ways for me to practice is to relax and take deep breaths. I remember when my son was about 8. He was really trying my nerves one day. I don't remember the details, but it was really testing my patience. I had been taking a class on parenting with love and logic. I gave my son the choice between having mama go in to a time out for 32 minutes (1 min for every year old you are) or him taking a time out for 7 minutes. He, of course, chose the later. So, for 32 minutes I sat in silence to gain my composure. When he would try to talk to me, I told him to wait I was in time out. Needless to say he never chose for mama to have a timeout again. It was during that timeout I made the decision to practice patience. Today, I am reminded to "Stay patient and faithful." And so it is!

Patience is just one of many secret "gifts" that I have been given through the years AND it is one of those things I never have stopped using. It is one of my most prized gifts. There are so many other gifts that the Universe has proved in abundance. Let me share with you one other...

play that
gentle melody
with the

it can be
a secret gift

the sweet
by a cozy
night flame



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