Today's affirmation word is PATIENT. I know that one of the best ways for me to practice is to relax and take deep breaths. I remember when my son was about 8. He was really trying my nerves one day. I don't remember the details, but it was really testing my patience. I had been taking a class on parenting with love and logic. I gave my son the choice between having mama go in to a time out for 32 minutes (1 min for every year old you are) or him taking a time out for 7 minutes. He, of course, chose the later. So, for 32 minutes I sat in silence to gain my composure. When he would try to talk to me, I told him to wait I was in time out. Needless to say he never chose for mama to have a timeout again. It was during that timeout I made the decision to practice patience. Today, I am reminded to "Stay patient and faithful." And so it is!
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