Saturday, July 25, 2020

Trippin' with Thor: Trip 1

Today's affirmation word is FUN! My wife and I took our first adventure in our camper van named Thor. We had looked long and hard, as I spent days and weeks visualizing the perfect RV. Then - boom! It materialized. Shortly after, we headed out on this trip. Boy was it a blast - from lunch on the road at a Nebraska welcome center to the walkabout in Fort Robinson. 

Day 1: Roaming the roads

First adventure stop - Scotts Bluff National Monument
It was absolutely beautiful and well worth the drive if you get a chance to go. 

Second adventure stop - Fort Robinson State Park
It was a grand adventure and well worth the walkabout. In 1874, it was home to some 13,000 Indians and where Crazy Horse (the great Oclala War-Chief of the Sioux Nation) died in 1877.

Last scoop of this gallivanter:

Dinner, games, and, of course, poetry to end the night.

Come with
me honey.
We will hit
the road.

Love this
fun life

blue summer
skies, and

warm tree

Day 2: Roaming the roads

Last adventure stop - Agate Fossil National Monument
It was so cool to see the first fossil finds from the early 1900s. I highly recommend exploring this fairly remote area in Nebraska. They even have a very primitive RV camping area for those that want to "rough it." Bring water, wear a hat, and apply your sunscreen.    

WE LOVE THOR! Hope to share many more adventures. Bye for now...

Friday, July 24, 2020

Poetic Vision: Day 24

Today's affirmation word is HEALING. The body is a self-healing organism, as it has the ability to heal itself, even at times without drugs and surgery. But what about your mind and spirit? Just as certain foods help in the healing process of our bodies, so do our thoughts aid in the healing of our mind and spirit. It will not be immediate, just as the body doesn't heal overnight, neither will psychological wounds heal.  Unlike physical healing, which requires rest, emotional healing requires work not just time. The super hero inside me says I'm up for it and thus today I affirm HEALING.

I recently went through some psychological trauma and betrayal at the hands of someone in a position of power, a minister in fact. It was not some isolated incident either. It was ongoing and there is potential for future abuse of her power, which will have severe long-lasting effects. My ability to trust and connect with others has been effected and I have withdrawn from many in my spiritual home. I have felt shock, disbelief, confusion, anger, and sadness. It has effected my physical health also. I'm experiencing insomnia, fatigue, and muscle tension to say the least. However, I WILL heal. I affirm this...and so it is!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Poetic Vision: Day 23

Today's affirmation word is PURPOSE. I have often thought about that age ole question: Why am I here? What is it that I would do if money were no option? I have always been someone that loves to give and not necessarily something material. Often times (before this pandemic), it was a simple hug or word of encouragement. I really enjoy oozing love out everywhere I go. I took a class several years back in which I had to create a mission statement. Here is what it said and still holds true today: 
I choose to authentically and creatively ooze love. Sometimes that will involve a squeeze,
and that's ok. Genuinely listen and be present in pure, selfless vulnerability.   

What would you say your mission is here on Earth? I sat down tonight to write out, yet again, my soul's desire and mission. It remains the same. Yet, this time I form a poem.

From the deepest
part of my soul,
I feel the need
to feed.

Mentally, physically
and spiritually, 
there resides in me
a call to serve.

No matter the 
cuisine, I feel
my soul's mission
is to give morsels
of love, compassion,
and kindness.

Giving nourishment
to another's mind,
body and spirit,
brings me joy and
it feeds me.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Poetic Vision: Day 22

Today's affirmation word is CLOSER. I believe that with each day that passes, I grow closer to that which I wish to manifest. At any minute, I could materialize that which I visualize, because I have done the work and have planned for its arrival. 

I remember days, weeks, months and years looking to manifest that perfect mate. As time passed, I grew closer and closer until the arrival of my fiance and now wife. Then, there were theses days, weeks and months until the day drew closer for our wedding. There have been so many times that I anticipated things as they got closer AND there was much joy in the journey.

There is nothing 
like a good thought 
in the morning to 
start a good day.

Good thoughts 
of us though…
that’s a great 
way to start.

I enjoy our time
together, as well
as the remembrances
when we’re apart.

What truly matters
is not whether we 
are together or apart,
it’s the heart’s joy.

There is nothing
like the joy I feel 
now on this truly
amazing journey.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Poetic Vision: Day 21

Today's affirmation word is BLESSINGS. I have received so many priceless gifts that I call blessings over the years. Doors have opened one after the other. The simple fact that there is someone like you reading this is a HUGE blessing. Thank you.

What kind of blessings are present in your life? Family? Friends? A roof over your head and food in your stomach? Perhaps, these words are a blessing to you. I believe that the act of someone's forgiveness is a type of blessing. I wrote the following poem several years back regarding just that.

I waited years
for this moment -
a chance to ask
for forgiveness.

With tears in my
eyes and remorse
in my heart, my
apology was accepted.

Then I looked up
and her eyes smiled.
Happiness consumed 
my entire being.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Poetic Vision: Day 20

Today's affirmation word is CELEBRATE. Boy, do I have reason to celebrate. I have materialized a lot recently. The song has been sung and the music plays on. I continue to visualize and it is time to express gratitude for what Professor Visionary has brought about during this time.

It wasn't anything hard. I simply asked and it was given. I knocked and the doors of opportunity flew open. I have not finished the work, but the harvest is great. Therefore, I celebrate!  

I plant seeds of 
love and laughter.

They grow as I
genuinely listen,
learn and forgive
in life's co-
creative process.

Surprises, miracles,
discoveries and every
day adventures occur
in the unexpected.

I harvest authentic
expressions of kindness,
care, concern, hope, 
and gratitude.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Poetic Vision: Day 19

JOURNEY is today's affirmation word. No matter the terrain - lake, beach, forest, river, stream, or mountain, I love me an adventure. I can't wait to see what unfolds in this beautiful life of mine. 
One thing is clear. I am ready. 

I love to be one with nature and to listen to the melody she sings. The earth has much to enlighten us about given the history of creation. She nurtures and inspires me daily. 
Thank you for leading me to happiness.

Thanks for uplifting
us with the melody of
the ocean, and streams.

Thanks for exciting
us with the dance of leaves,
and the rhythm of rivers.

Thanks for educating us 
about the sweetness of 
flowers, fruit and trees.

Thanks for enriching our
lives with lakes, and
beautiful waterfalls.

Thanks for inspiring us
to greatness like the 
majestic mountains.

Enlightened Earth we can
not thank you enough for 
nurturing us when needed.

Thank you.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Poetic Vision: Day 18

Today's affirmation word is CHOICE. If there's one thing that I will always have, it's choice. Regardless of how I am emotionally, physically or spiritually, I always have a choice to seek something different or better. I create my reality and I am ready for some BIG blessings.

I sit here in peace with tea in hand dreaming of adventures in the new camper van that my wife and I bought today. I am longing for the road, the mountains, the lake, and sailing in the ocean as the water playfully dances.

The water playfully
dances to nature’s
song as if no one
is watching.

Joyfully jumping
when the sun reaches
for her and then
bashfully turning away
as the breeze tries to
kiss her.

Unaware of eyes
gazing on, she swirls
with the excitement
of an innocent child’s
dress and continues
to playfully dance.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Poetic Vision: Day 17

I am hopeful for the future, as I am releasing (today's affirmation word) the past. I am lighter having released those things which I cannot change. Like a beautiful hot air balloon or soapy bubble, I float. I know releasing that Superhero within has brought me strength needed to face things of extraordinary size. Do you have a jolly green giant inside you waiting to be released?

There is a great sense of freedom in release. Whether it is something weighing you down, or the power within awaiting to be let out. Regardless, let it go! Let it out! Live the life you were meant to and find peace.

Haiku: Advice on Love

Love of self breeds love
Heart is free if I feed me
Healthy love now see

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Poetic Vision: Day 16

I don't just dream (today's affirmation word). I trust. All is working as it should be. I have such commitment and determination to complete my vision. No matter what it is that I am trying to attract, I will succeed because the Universe is absolutely crazy about me! I truly believe that, and you should too.

This world we live in is a wonderful place to be in IF you believe that it is so. Look for the good, laugh, love and build community together. Your thoughts are prayers. So, pray for that and see what happens.

Come play in
a delightful
where time
your soul,
and lifts
you away
above clouds,
kissing angels,
how to
laugh and
love together.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Poetic Vision: Day 15

Have you provided a smile to the world today? Have you offered kindness in some fashion? Have you given a hug or had a deep heart-felt conversation with someone? If not, what are you waiting for? 
The Superhero inside you is calling for love in action. Go for it!

Are you acting in a way that the Universe (some call God) can be seen through you? 
If not, will you change that today? Right now?

I saw the
Light of God
In the sunshine
From my window.

I saw the 
Love of God
In the smile
Of a young child.

I saw the
Joy of God
In the laughter
Of a couple
In the coffee shop.

I saw the
Warmth of God
In the exchange
Of a friend’s embrace.

Today – 

I saw

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Poetic Vision: Day 14

Today, I was reading about abundance and wellbeing (which I ended up making my affirmation word). While reading, I began to think of my physical, mental and spiritual wealth. What a truly wonderful life I have! I am surrounded by supportive relationships and lots of love. I am truly blessed. 
((BIG healthy virtual hugs to you all))

I keep my thoughts on that of sweet serenity and move forward with what inspires me - poetry. Here's another one. I hope you enjoy it!

Surrender to
The wild
Magnificent life.
Come feel
The great
Energy of
A quiet
How the
Relaxes you
And always
Feels like
Sweet serenity.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Poetic Vision: Day 13

Today's affirmation word is: SUPPORT. I am indeed open to both love and support, especially these days. Have you ever put yourself in someone else's shoes? Have you ever imagined what it would be like to go through life in the situations that another person faces? Think about it.  Then, ask yourself: how could I support them? How could I be kind to them? Looking at the glass through someone else's eyes, would the glass be half empty or half full? Meditate on that for a moment.

Do you offer that type of support? Do you dare to love like that?

Dare to love?
To pull off
the suit of armor?
To expose yourself
and risk injury
to your very soul?

Dare to love?
To stand emotionally
naked before someone?
Stripped of your
heart’s protection, thus
revealing your vulnerability?

Dare to love?
To allow another 
to examine and 
question all that 
you were, are 
and may become?

Dare to love?
I ask.
Dare to love
Is to be FREE.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Poetic Vision: Day 12

I continue to BELIEVE in the best of humanity, for there is an interconnectedness and oneness of all things. We are psychologically, emotionally, mentally, relationally and spiritually hard-wired for oneness, connection, love, and belonging. We feel the need to belong, to connect, and be loved. 
We want it and we need it.

We need to see that those in our lives feel seen, heard, and valued. I acknowledge that relationships can be hard. People will sometimes say the wrong thing, and people may "mess" up. I once heard it said, "Relationships do not grow by being perfect. They grow by loving people through our imperfections." People aren't looking for perfect people to be friends with. People are looking for honest and vulnerable people that they can share life with. People who see you completely, get you completely, accept you completely, and love you completely. Some of you are thinking is this truly possible, and more importantly is it possible for me? It is. Just affirm that you BELIEVE it.

Leaves dance around
as my soul settles
into a rhythm of peace.

The gentle breeze
moves tree branches
and my heart opens.

As the grass grows
and soaks up the
sunshine, so do I.

Butterflies flutter
around with the joy
of an amazing day.

Curtains sway in
a quiet motion
like a meditation.

As my feet touch the
earth below, I know
everything is one.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Poetic Vision: Day 11

Today, I sit here and KNOW: Life gets better! Today's affirmation word is: BETTER. I truly believe that my positive expectations and vision will be manifested. After all that superhero inside me is screaming YES! And so it is! Check out today's entry in my vision book below.

Should I die today, I'd like all to know this...

Should I die today,
I will want but these things:

To say I love you - to those dearest to me.
I'm sorry - to those I've hurt.
Thank you - to those deserving.
You made a difference - to those that truly did.

Laugh - with those I could.
Cry - with those I should.
And say I'm scared - to those I trust.
All the while taking each moment of that day 
To look for the good in all humanity.

Doing it all in nature's beauty, 
Letting the sunrise take my breath away, 
Appreciating the morning's call of birds 
     on a wooden porch swing, 
Enjoying poetry under a tree, 
Cherishing time in the mountains 
     by a flowing river.

Growing in understanding,
Flourishing in love,
Relishing in the day,
And celebrating all that is
While singing life’s songs. 

Then watching the sun set on the day, 
Exploring, listening and admiring the silence 
Of the night's sky by a blazing fire,
Closing with meditation by moonlight and
Sharing lots of hugs with those I love.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Poetic Vision: Day 10

Today's affirmation word is PATIENT. I know that one of the best ways for me to practice is to relax and take deep breaths. I remember when my son was about 8. He was really trying my nerves one day. I don't remember the details, but it was really testing my patience. I had been taking a class on parenting with love and logic. I gave my son the choice between having mama go in to a time out for 32 minutes (1 min for every year old you are) or him taking a time out for 7 minutes. He, of course, chose the later. So, for 32 minutes I sat in silence to gain my composure. When he would try to talk to me, I told him to wait I was in time out. Needless to say he never chose for mama to have a timeout again. It was during that timeout I made the decision to practice patience. Today, I am reminded to "Stay patient and faithful." And so it is!

Patience is just one of many secret "gifts" that I have been given through the years AND it is one of those things I never have stopped using. It is one of my most prized gifts. There are so many other gifts that the Universe has proved in abundance. Let me share with you one other...

play that
gentle melody
with the

it can be
a secret gift

the sweet
by a cozy
night flame



Thursday, July 9, 2020

Poetic Vision: Day 9

Today's affirmation word is TRUST. I cannot express the number of times that this has come up for me today. I trust good things will unfold for me and they do. WOW! I have such heartfelt gratitude for all the blessings in my life, such things as open communication, compassionate action and positive thinking to name just a few.

I trust that in the days, weeks, and months to come that there will be unity, growth, laughter and courageous conversations from the heart happening, as well as beautiful poetry forming from the creativity of that which appears. Listen to these words...

awaking to
the morning
music of the

over here
and listen

to the
water song
together with
this river rain

with the

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Poetic Vision: Day 8

This is my vision board of vision boards. Yes. You read that right. When I created this one several months back, I was visioning more vision boards. Just like a lot of things on my vision boards, I often don't know how they will manifest themselves. That's not my job though. How? - that's for Professor Visionary to figure out. I just visualize it and the Universe materializes it. Why? Because the Universe is absolutely crazy about me.

I give thanks in advance for the blessings from the Universe. Wherever I go and whatever I do, I am blessed. For this, I continue to use my voice for kindness, my ears for compassion, my hands for service, my mind for truth, and my heart for love. I grow and thrive in the process. Thank you for journeying with me in the process. Here's another one of my magnetic poetry pieces.







say thanks


Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Poetic Vision: Day 7

Today's affirmation word is: LOVE. I love camping, blue skies, trees, hikes, and the night sky filled with stars. I love hugs, learning, and my love-filled home. I am love and the Divine superhero inside me touches me with love. I am blessed and supported. For this, I am truly grateful. 
Affirm this and it can become your reality too.

One of the things that I love most is poetry. I love to read and write poetry. It brings me a great deal of happiness. So, I create magnetic poetry in my leisure time and share it with you. Enjoy!

come find
in nature

this wild

feel the tiny


oh trees

Monday, July 6, 2020

Poetic Vision: Day 6

Last month on June 6th, I started a vision book. It was a place where I could visualize that which I wanted to materialize. It was a place where I could write, create and affirm that which I wanted to manifest in my life. After writing my affirmation (the entries are taken from a variety of sources), I vision out the entry by cutting out images from a variety of magazines. Then, I pick one word to affirm throughout that day and month. Last month I began this book with the word CONSISTENCY.   

What a joy I feel in my heart when I look at these images and hold the intention of that which is written. These truly are exciting times.



what an
wild time

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Poetic Vision: Day 5

With health and wellness come inner peace, calmness, and joy. The body will supply pleasing sensory experiences. The mind will be restful and reflective. The spirit will be expansive and enthusiastic. I take a M.A.P. to get to this place (Meditative Affirmative Pauses). I am adopting habits that renew my body, mind and spirit through self-care. It is extremely important for my health and wellness that I make positive and enjoyable lifestyle changes. I create, reveal and express my Divinity, because now is the time to find joy in every breath.

As I focus on my health and wellness, I give priority to the things & relationships that matter most. For this reason, I write. I dance with words. I play with them and have fun for there a tons of possibilities. For example, let me share this one with you. 



have fun