Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Poetic Vision: Days 37 - 41

I've decided that I will go ahead and post my vision book pages with the daily affirmations in chunks. This will free up the days I may be out of internet range during our family road trips. We are heading out at the end of the week on our first 4 day adventure with Thor. I am so looking forward to it. I have been affirming the following words this past several days: slow, opening, calm, seeds, and friendship. 

I have felt a HUGE shift in the relationships in my life. The seeds have rooted and are growing into some beautiful friendships. At the same time, I am needing time for myself for relaxation. I have been working for a year and a half without any real unplug time. I am hoping to get some soon. My wife and I have got a great spot on the river where we can park Thor and go explore. I am beyond excited. Of course, I will post the next trip photos when we get back. Love to you all! 

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